To be able to tessellate where a vertex meets other vertices, the total of those angles must be a full circle of 360°. The interior angle of an Octagon is 135° which does not divide into 360° which means there cannot be a complete number of vertices meeting and so it cannot, by itself, tessellate.
However, two octagons meeting at a point would have 135° + 135° = 270° leaving 90° which is the interior angle of a square. So octagons and squares together will tessellate.
A regular octagon cannot tessellate because the interior angles of an octagon are 135 degrees, which does not evenly divide into 360 degrees, the total angle around a point. In order for a shape to tessellate, the sum of the interior angles must evenly divide into 360 degrees. Since the interior angles of a regular octagon do not meet this criterion, it cannot tessellate without gapping or overlapping.
No it does not tessellate you have to pentagons in order for it to tessellate. * * * * * It is not at all clear what "have to pentagons" has to do with this. No polygon with 7 or more sides will tessellate. Octagons will tessellate if mixed with squares but that is not "proper" tessellation since it involved more than one shape.
You cannot use a regular octagon on it's own to make a tiling pattern without any gaps. However a regular Octagon and a square can be used together to make a tessellation. Many people think that regular octagons tesselate on their own because they do not appreciate the need for no gaps.
No, they will not fit together, you will also need a square with sides equal in length to the sides of the octagon.
True * * * * * No. The only regular polygons that will tessellate are a triangle, a square and a heagon. So a regular heptagon will not tessellate.
A regular octagon will not tessellate but an irregular one can.
An octagon can be used to create a tessellation, but an octagon cannot tessellate on its own.
No, it can't be tessellate.
Yes, it will.
A regular octagon will not tessellate but an irregular one can.
A regular octagon will not tessellate but an irregular one will.
A regular octagon will not tessellate but an irregular one can.
A regular octagon will not tessellate but an irregular one can.
An octagon cannot tessellate because when you put about 4 together, there are gaps in between the shapes, which is not allowed in a tessellation. When you put together 5 octagon's, some of them are overlapping and there still are gaps. Therefore, an octagon cant tessellate.
A regular octagon will not tessellate - the 'spaces' left over are squares.