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Because he didn't invent the Telescope so he saw it from his naked eye

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Q: Why didn't Copernicus use a telescope to prove his theories?
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Did Nicolas Copernicus use a telescope to prove his theory?

Nicolas Copernicus did not use a telescope, the use of the telescope to study the solar system was not done until over 50 years later by Galileo.

What invention helped Galileo to prove that Copernicus was correct?

The telescope, especially for astronomical observation. He got a toy from the carnival. and made it into a telescope by putting in a magnifying glass in it.

What invention used by Galileo helped prove Copernicus theory that the earth revolves around the sun?

The astronomical telescope.

Compare the theory of Galilei to Copernicus what observation you meet?

Galelei derived his theory from Copernicus. To Copernicus it was just a theory. Galilei managed to prove it when he invented the telescope and was able to see the moons orbiting Jupiter.

What scientist said the earth moves around the sun?

Copernicus is the first in modern times, but he may have been basing his theory on the work of an earlier Greek Natural Philosopher. Galileo used a telescope and mathematics to prove Copernicus' hypothesis.

How did Copernicus prove that the earth wasn't in the middle of the universe?

Galileo did not prove that Earth was not flat (It had already been agreed that it was round). Galileo invented the telescope and used it to prove that there were objects which did not orbit the Earth, supporting Copernicus' Heliocentric model for the universe. The Earth was known to be round by the ancient Greeks, but I do not who it found out initially (sorry).

Why was Copernicus' heliocentric theory significant?

The Heliocentric theory was significant because Copernicus had proved something such a long time ago... the fact that it hasn't been proven wrong, or the fact that no-one else believed him because they didnt have the technology to prove it back then.

Who developed a stronger telescope and was able to prove that Ptolemy's theories about the moon were wrong?

Galileo Galilei constructed telescopes to conduct his observations. He also disproved the Ptolemaic model.

Why did nicolaus Copernicus do his work?

he did his work to prove his point that he thought were very true

Who used the data of Tycho Brahe to prove the accuracy of Copernicus?

Johannes Kepler

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Does science prove theories are wrong by using experiments?

An experiment can prove they are wrong or right ...:)