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Because they (IMO) have the simplest area to find, to just square side.

Triangles are half of a square

Rectangles are uneven.

Circles are rounded, and hard to find the area of.

Plus, a square has 2 equal dimensions, so think 2D.

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Q: Why do mathematicians chose to measure area in squares instead of in rectangles or triangles or circles?
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Can a percent sign have dots instead of circles?

yeah it really doesn't matter you can do it with dots or circles it really depend on you for me i would do circles hope this helped you

Formula for the area of a octagon?

The interior angles of an octagon are 135 degrees, which means that if you extend one of the sides, the complementary external angle is 45 degrees. So imagine an octagon instead as a square with four cut out right triangles on the corners. Let's start with the length of a side x. Since the right triangles have a hypotenuse x, we know that the legs are length (sqrt(2)/2)x. The area of the triangle is 1/2 * base * height, which means one triangle is x2 / 4. Since there are 4 triangles, the total area of the triangles is x2. Next, we need the area of the square. One side is a leg of the octagon plus two legs of our triangles, which would be x + (sqrt(2)/2)x + (sqrt(2)/2)x = x + sqrt(2)*x. Square this, and you get 3x2 + 2*sqrt(2)*x2. But! Subtract the area of the triangles from this, and you get (after some redistributing): A = 2x2 * (1 + sqrt(2))

How many vertices does the shape have cylinder?

Vertices are points where two lines meet. For example, a square has 4 vertices. A cylinder is comprised of circles, so there is only one line [instead of two lines to meet], so there are no vertices.

Why you represent set of integers by Z instead of A?

Z, or more commonly denoted, ℤ (double line), is just the standard set mathematicians use to hold the set of all integers. Not everything stems from English, and in this case, the "Z" comes from the word "die Zahlen", which is the German plural word for numbers.

How many equilateral triangles in a geodesic dome?

The answer varies depending on the exact type of geodesic dome you are using. A 2 frequency and 4 frequency geodesic domes use 20 equilateral triangles despite the two-frequency having many more faces than the 2 frequency where the 3 frequency geodesic dome (150 sided) uses none at all. The above calculations, however, are only common to a certain architectural model. Assuming the domes are built mathematically instead of according to architectural integrity, the number of equilateral triangles in a "pure" dome, a geodesic sphere, is exactly equal to the number of faces, by definition.

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why do you use circles instead of squares or triangles or other shapes when makikng venn diagram

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Triangles Circles Squares... you know?

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No. It is just the person preference.

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One way is to use coins and trace 10 circles which may or may not overlap depending on the intersections of your sets. It does get messy with lots of them. Some people use rectangles instead since they are easier to draw when you have so many.

Can a percent sign have dots instead of circles?

yeah it really doesn't matter you can do it with dots or circles it really depend on you for me i would do circles hope this helped you

What is a twent-one sided shape called?

Most mathematicians use "21-gon" instead of icosahenagon.

What has six rectangular faces?

A cubic rectangle. Think dice, only rectangles instead of squares.

Who created googol?

no one actually created googol but instead a group of mathematicians discovered this number with 26 zero's

What to call a triangular prism with rhombus instead of rectangles?

Sqaure hexagon rhombus scalene right triangle

What scientist first stated that the paths of planets are ellipses instead of circles.?

Johannes Kepler

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A venn diagram with 2 circles is comparing and contrasting two things while a venn diagram with three circles is comparing and contrasting two things to the same one subject instead of with each other.

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