Sometimes it's faster than reading because hopefully don't have to think that hard.
Approximately 25 to 30 percent of people enjoy math.
A lot
If I do not like math, then I do not like science.
this is a true answer == == math is notused very much in everyday life only if it interfers with your job like being a math teacher
Maths is fun for some people but some people ( e.g. me ) find math boring. Its probably because we dont like using our brain for stuff and we find calculators our math saviours
because they like math
Not all people with aspergers like math. One of the aspergers myths, is that they all love and/or are gifted in math. However, some do seem like they're gifted in math, while others might have trouble.
Approximately 25 to 30 percent of people enjoy math.
A lot
women can't do math women can't do math
Other people have different opinions on whether they like math or not. Maybe they like it because they are good at working on equations and fractions. Remember, everyone is different! I do not enjoy math but you might have a different opinion on it! :)
Some people hates math because it's very boring but once you get the subjects and when it's easy for you, you'll like it.
If I do not like math, then I do not like science.
Currently, they do math just like we do math. But they used to use an abacus. Here's the Wiki explanation of it.
this is a true answer == == math is notused very much in everyday life only if it interfers with your job like being a math teacher
People like Joey Hawley and Steven Hawking, as well as many math professors.