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Because when you fit in the variables, it wouldn't be true. therefore, you have to flip the inequality sign

For example,

3 > 2 True

3(-2) > 2(-2)

-6 > -4 False

If you change the direction of the inequality symbol, in the same time that you multiply by a negative number, then you find a true statement.

3 > 2 True

3(-2) < 2(-2)

-6 < -4 True

This is because the greater the absolute value of a negative number, the lesser it is, while the opposite is true for a positive number. When you multiply by a negative, a very large number becomes very small, or the opposite.

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Q: Why do you flip the inequality sign when multiplying by a negative number?
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Do you flip the inequality when adding and subtracting?

No. Only flip the inequality when multiplying or dividing by a negative number.

Do you flip the inequality sign if the only the variable is negative?

No, you only flip the inequality sign if you are dividing by a negative number on both sides of the inequality

When you divide both sides of an inequality by a negative number you need to blank the inequality symbol?

Flip. You need to reverse the inequality when multiplying or dividing by a negative. -2x &lt; 10 (-1)*(-2x) &lt; (-1)*10 2x &gt; -10 x &gt; -5

How do you solve the inequality?

you cant with the information that you gave

When is the only time you flip an inequality sign?

When you divide both sides of an inequality by a negative number, the inequality sign flips.

When the inequality is multiplied both sides by a positive number what happens?

Nothing, you proceed as if the &lt; or &gt; was an =. If you're multiplying or dividing both sides by a negative, you flip the sign. e.g. &lt; would go to &gt;

Do you only flip the inequality when you divide by a negative number?

Yes you do, you also flip the inequality sign if you multiply by a negative # The &gt; and &lt; signs are strictly the "Greater than" and "Less than" signs. The inequality sign is an = with a / stroke through it. If you divide an inequality by -1 it remains an inequality.

When you divide both sides of any inequality by a negative number you need to what the inequality symbol?

Flip it around

If you multiply or divide both sides of an inequality by a number you need to reverse the inequality sign?

negative flip

Why must you flip the inequality symbol when you divide by a negative number?

For the same reason you must flip it when you multiply by a negative number. An example should suffice. 2 &lt; 3 If you multiply by -1, without switching the sign, you get: -2 &lt; -3, which is wrong. Actually, -2 &gt; -3. Look at a number line if you are not sure about this - numbers to the left are less than numbers further to the right. Dividing by a negative number is the same as multiplying by the reciprocal, which in this case is also negative. These signs are strictly the "Greater than" and "Less than" signs. The inequality sign is an = with a / stroke through it. If you divide an inequality by -1 it remains an inequality.

When do you flip the inequality sign?

You flip the inequality sign when you are dividing or multiplying both sides by a negative.You also flip the inequality sign when you "swap" the answers on both sides.The other time you flip the inequality sign is when raising both sides to a negative power. e.g. 5>4, but (5^-1)

How do you multiple and divide positive and negative integers?

multiplying and dividing a negative number will "flip" the sign of the other number. So multiplying two negative numbers will produce a positive number. Multiplying one positive and one negative number will produce a negative. And of course two positive numbers yield a positive.