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So that it is easier to sort rubbish for recycling.

So that it is easier to sort rubbish for recycling.

So that it is easier to sort rubbish for recycling.

So that it is easier to sort rubbish for recycling.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

So that it is easier to sort rubbish for recycling.

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Can you get more than 1 bin pet on binweevils?

Not unless you get loads of accounts and become tycoon on all of them. But if you want more than one on the same account you have to be the top level and have 10,000 xp on your first bin pet. Sorry if this doesnt make much sense. I have three binpets all on the same account cos im level 60 somthing and i have 10,381 xp on hamster my first bin pet and bumbury my second one has 10,105xp.

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Yes but only if you're other one is dead. You cannot I repeat, CANNOT have more than 2 pets.

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A sledge because it has more force on the snow and witch means you will go further than a bin bag or a bin lid or a plastic chair you swim with.

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Teach it to do 1 then it will understand and then will level up.