Yes, 65 is greater than 63.
Less than
7 times with a remainder of 7
To determine if 3/7 is greater than 4/9, we need to find a common denominator. The least common multiple of 7 and 9 is 63. Converting 3/7 to have a denominator of 63 gives us 27/63, and converting 4/9 to have a denominator of 63 gives us 28/63. Comparing these fractions, we see that 28/63 (4/9) is indeed greater than 27/63 (3/7).
63/3 = 21 21 - 20 = 1 Therefore, 63/3 is greater than 20.
36 is -27 greater than 63.
Yes, 65 is greater than 63.
Less than
63 + 30% = 63*1.3 = 81.9
Can you subtract 16 from 63, that would be the answer
The examples are deliberately confusing. 63/7 = 9 63/9 = 7 If the dividends are the same, the smaller divisor will create the greater quotient. Choose 93.
The smallest multiple of 8 greater than 500 is 63. 63 times 8 equals 504
63 cm is less than one meter.
No, it is not.