It only seems that way because the numbers are easy to remember, and it does not mean anything. You may look at the clock and its says 10 34 and you think nothing of it, but when it says 11 11 you think of it as unusual
Every minute on a clock is 6 degrees, making every five minutes where the numbers are 30 degrees. In theory, hands on the 1 and 6 would would show an angle of 150 degrees. In actuality, the hour hand moves halfway between the 1 and 2 by 1:30 making the angle 135 degrees.
irrational numbers
Every day the hour had travels once round the clock in the morning and one round the clock in the afternoon, so it travels twice round the clock in 1 day. There are 7 days in a week, thus the hour hand travels 7 x 2 = 14 times round the clock in a week.
22 times in every 12 hours.
The minute hand revolves around the clock face ONCE every hour. Therefore the hand would revolve around the clock 24 time in one day.
Because nearly seven billion people create it every day - think about seven billion bins being emptied every week. Where do you empty them? Where do you do it next week? etcetera, etcetera...
The clock at Big Ben chimes every 15 minutes.
every hour the church clock bell rings. every hour your clock gets rung
The series represents the chimes of a clock. Every half-hour, it chimes once, every full hour, it chimes according to the hour.The series represents the chimes of a clock. Every half-hour, it chimes once, every full hour, it chimes according to the hour.The series represents the chimes of a clock. Every half-hour, it chimes once, every full hour, it chimes according to the hour.The series represents the chimes of a clock. Every half-hour, it chimes once, every full hour, it chimes according to the hour.
because the clock is showing the smiling face to the customers
I think the heart and clock are the same because the heart beats every second, just like the clock ticks every second. Plus they can be easily broken.
it can be used in money for the debt and the national debt clock is in the negative number so if it helps rate it 1-5
You cannot reset the clock, Neopet Time is the same in every country.
Example sentence - The batteries in the clock had to be replaced every year.
the Clock is probably wired to the ignition and power is turned off every time you turn off the Car there fore you have to reset the clock.