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Pi is in fact a never ending number since it's decimal part goes on for ever and has no specific pattern. Ha!

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Q: Is Pi a never ending number?
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Why is pi never ending?

Pi never ends because it is an irrational number and that means that it will never end it will go on and on

What is infinity divided by pi?

Impossible to answer ! Infinity is a never ending quantity - and Pi is a never ending decimal !

What is the definition of the math pie?

Mathamatical pi is an irrational number. It classifys as an irrational number because the numbers never repeat and pi is a never ending number.

What is the last number in pi?

Ther is no last nuber in pi. Pi is a never ending number that continues forever, even after the end of time.

How many numers does pi have?

The number pi starts as 3.141592653... and goes on forever, never ending and never repeating. It has been calculated out to billions of decimal places, without ever ending (and it never will).

What makes pi so irrational?

it is a never ending number that goes on for ever

What is the fraction value of pi?

Pi's fraction would be a never ending number divided by another never ending number, because pi is a never ending number. If you want the exact numbers of pi in fraction, it would be a really big number divided by a really big number. It's very difficult to find the fraction, so i cannot tell you what the exact fraction is.

What was the original approximation of pi?

Pi which is a never ending number nowadays known as 3.1415926535... was originally calculated to be 3.1416.

What is the definition pi?

Pi: the area of a circle. Pi is a never ending number. (3.1415926535...) A Japanese supercomputer once calculated 3 trillion digits of pi. Ten years later an American supercomputer found 6 trillion digits of pi proving it was never ending.

Where is pi from?

Pi is the never ending, never repeating number. It was created my a Greek mathematician and the estimate for pi is 3.14 but some more digits are: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445 Pi is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 1.

What do they mean in math when they say pie?

Nothing!!!!! , Because 'pie' is the pie that you eat, like Apple pie, or Meat pie. If you mean 'pi' , note the spelling, then this refers to the constant of proportion of circles. Circumference = constant of proportion X diameter, Algebraically written as : - C = kd Where 'k' os the constant of proportion, and for circles it is given the name 'pi' For circles however large or small have 'pi' as the constant. 'pi' has the numerical value of 3.141592... Which is an IRRATIONAL numbe. and is approximated to 3.14, 3.1416, 22/7 for school learning purposes. 'pi' is the small case letter 'p' from the Classical Greek Alphabet, and refers to constant of PROPORTION. As a Classical Greek letter, it looks like a set of football goalposts, with a curved leg on one side. Casually , IRRATIONAL means that the decimal digits recur to infinity, AND the decimal digits are NOT in any regular order. What you are given in school ( 3.14 etc.,) is only an approximation. Supa Dupa computere have calculated 'pi' to at least 50 billion places and still going!!!!! Hope that helps!!!!!

Why does everyone believe that 3.14 is a never ending number?

Because 3.14 are the first three digits of pi which is an irrational number and has no ending as far as we know.