"K" is short for "kilo", a prefix that means thousand. Often used with units of measurement,as in "kilometer" (1000 meters) or "kilohertz" (1000 Hertz).
10k means ten karat gold. I don't know what ms means.
thousand: 6,172,000 ten thousand:6,170,000
Ten hundred thousand is a thousand thousand which is a million = 1,000,000
It means 250,000.k stands for thousand. So similarly, 10k would mean 10 thousand.
10,000 or ten thousand.
ten thousand
Ten thousand gallons.
Ten thousand (10,000).
The abbreviation for ten thousand units is 10K (the K standing for a thousand).
10g? 10k 10 Racks
In terms of salary, "10K" refers to ten thousand. Since the currency is not specified, it could mean anything from "10K dollars" to "10K rupees."
10k is 10,000
as in 10k - it marks a thousand 10k - 10,000.or it can be short for ok.