The abbreviation for ten thousand units is 10K (the K standing for a thousand).
K is an abbreviation for Kilo-(thousand). The abbreviation for Thousand is THOU.
It is ninety thousand and so equivalent to 90,000 lots of ones (or units).
No it isn't, but THOUS is an abbreviation of the word Thousand.
A step is not a uniform unit of measurement. Therefore, the two units are incompatible.
546210 '5' is five hundred thousand '4' is forty thousand '6' is six thousand '2' is two hundred '1' is ten '0' is zero units.
K is an abbreviation for Kilo-(thousand). The abbreviation for Thousand is THOU.
Because it is based on units of ten, numbers are written in units. Ten units make a ten, tens x tens make a hundred, ten x hundreds make a thousand. The word Decimal is derived from the Latin for ten.
Because it is based on units of ten, numbers are written in units. Ten units make a ten, tens x tens make a hundred, ten x hundreds make a thousand. The word Decimal is derived from the Latin for ten.
It is ninety thousand and so equivalent to 90,000 lots of ones (or units).
unit hundred thousand ten-thousand lakh / hundred-thousand million crore / ten-million billion ten-billion hundred-billion trillion . . . so on...
Ten thousand and ten in figures is written as 10,010. This number is composed of four digits: 1, 0, 0, and 10, arranged in the places representing thousands, hundreds, tens, and units respectively.
No it isn't, but THOUS is an abbreviation of the word Thousand.
A step is not a uniform unit of measurement. Therefore, the two units are incompatible.
SI means "International System [of Units]" (from the French abbreviation).