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print "the sum of all even numbers is infinite"


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7y ago
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7y ago

There are infinitely many even numbers and so the sum of all even numbers is infinity. The answer, therefore, is to write an algorithm whose only step is to output "Infinity" and then stop.

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Q: Write an algorithm to print sum of all even numbers?
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AnswerIf A=10, B=2... Then the algoritm is :-STEP1 : START.STEP2 : A=10.STEP3 : B=02.STEP4 : C=A-B.STEP5 : PRINT C.STEP6 : STOP.AnswerYou cannot print every even number in descending order, because there is no greatest even number. Or you want something like this: infinityinfinity-2infinity-4Answerstep 1: start step 2: Input Nstep 3: If N

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#include(stdio.h) int main ()

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Well, honey, it's not rocket science. Just start at 2 and keep adding 2 until you hit 100. In programming terms, it's a simple loop that increments by 2 each time until you reach 100. So, get that code going and print those even numbers like a boss!

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for (int i = 2; i < 10; i ++) printf("%d\n", i); You did say even and odd numbers between 1 and 10. That's allnumbers between 1 and 10.

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It is 110.

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Something like this: sum = 0 for i = 2 to 20 step 2 { sum = sum + i }

How do you write a program to print even numbers from 1 to 50 in PHP?

Code Below: &lt;?php $j = 100; // Set limit upper limit echo "Even Numbers are: &lt;br/&gt;"; for($i=1;$i&lt;=$j;$i++) { if($i%2) { continue; } else { echo $i."&lt;br/&gt;"; } } ?&gt;