Just like this:"this number in word form"
488,423,046 = four hundred eighty-eight million, four hundred twenty-three thousand, forty-six.
The number 20 is written as: twenty.Twenty.
488,423,046 in standard word form is: four hundred eighty-eight million four hundred twenty-three thousand forty-six.
four hundred eighty eight million, four hundred twenty three thousand, and forty six.
Just like this:"this number in word form"
Expressed in word form, this is equal to four hundred and eighty-eight million four hundred and twenty-three thousand and forty-six.
488,423,046 = four hundred eighty-eight million, four hundred twenty-three thousand, forty-six.
Four hundred eighty-eight million, four hundred twenty-three thousand, forty-six
It's "four hundred eighty-eight million four hundred twenty-three thousand forty-six".
word form means when you have a number and you write the number in words instead of letters
four-hundred and eighty-eight-million, four-hundred and twenty-three-thousand and fourty-six I think
Four hundred eighty-eight million four hundred twenty-three thousand forty-six.
write the word form and expanded form of the number four
488,423,046 is written out: Four hundred eighty-eight million, four hundred twenty-three thousand, forty-six