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The prices are between $165K to $200 K. At present prices are below $165 K.

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Q: What is the median home prices in Atlanta?
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It depends on where you live. Assuming you're talking Atlanta area, the median home price is $175,000. Assuming you put 5% down and have an interest rate of 5.5%, the principal and interest payment would be around $950. Add $300 for taxes, homeowner's insurance, and mortgage insurance, and your overall payment for a "median" home in the Atlanta area would be $1250.

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The national median home price during 2010 was $166,100 according to the National Association of Realtors. The median price can vary greatly based on the region in which a home is based. The national median price provides a rough guide to what the average home costs but real estate is always local meaning that based on location some home prices will be higher and some lower.

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it has affected atlanta by gas being to high

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To calculate the mean, you need all of the individual price, add them and divide by the number of prices. The median is the middle figure when they are ranked. Example: To simplify, imagine there are 5 homes that have been sold and these figures are in thousands of dollars. 100, 100, 900, 1000, 1500 The Mean = (100+100+900+1000+1500)÷5= 720 The Median is the middle figure which is 900.

How much does an average us house cost?

$188,900. That's the median price of an existing home sold in the U.S. in January 2017. Prices will vary a LOT in different parts of the country.