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Q: What weather changes can be expected over the area?
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Because of changes over time the most accurate weather forecasts are?

Because of changes over time the most accurate weather forecasts are short term

What kind of weather is expected if a low pressure and a develops over the pacific?

If a low pressure system develops over the Pacific, it can lead to unsettled weather conditions such as heavy rain, strong winds, and stormy conditions. Low pressure systems typically bring in moisture and instability, leading to the development of storms and inclement weather.

What do you call the weather that an area has over time?

The general weather an area has over a long period of time is called the climate.

Is it true that the average weather of an area over long periods of time is weather?

No, the average weather of an area over long periods of time is climate. Weather refers to short-term atmospheric conditions, while climate is the average of weather patterns over a longer period, typically 30 years or more.

What occurs over a small area?

Weather occurs over a small area. Climate occurs over a whole region.

How weather and climate are related?

Well, weather is a bunch of bizarre events that happens in the atmosphere all over the world. Climate helps you understand the weather in your own part of the worldYes, but Climate is weather that happens over a period of time, Weather is now. They both have weather changes.

What is the average weather in an area over many years?

The average weather in an area over many years is known as the climate of that area. Climate is determined by long-term patterns of temperature, precipitation, wind, and other factors. Climate data is collected over decades to establish a region's climate characteristics.

Shows how volume changes over time?


Weather patterns over a long period of time?

Weather patterns over a long period of time refer to the average conditions of temperature, precipitation, wind, and other meteorological factors that occur in a specific area. Studying these patterns can help to identify trends, climate change impacts, and potential weather-related risks. Researchers analyze historical data to understand how these patterns have evolved and to make predictions about future climate trends.

What are unpredictable changes in the air that take place over a short period of time?

Unpredictable changes in the air that occur over a short time are known as weather fluctuations. These can include sudden shifts in temperature, changes in wind direction and speed, and rapid formation of clouds or precipitation. Weather fluctuations are common in dynamic atmospheric systems and can have significant impacts on local conditions.

What describes the unpredictable changes in the air that occur over a short period of time?


What do you call changes in temperature and precipitation over a short period of time?

We call this weather.