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You need both height and weight to calculate body surface area.

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Q: What is the body surface area for a child weighing 7.5 pounds?
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What is the body surface area for a child who is 80 cm tall and weighs 4 kg?

what is the body surface area for a child who is 80 cm and weighs 4kg

Does pound per square inch have to do with how much weight something is?

No, not directly. Pounds per square inch, or PSI, refers to pressure. PSI can refer to the air pressure inside a bike tire or a balloon as it presses outward, or it can refer to the pressure of an object resting on a table or other surface. In the second case, and object weighing 100 lbs, and an object weighing 10 lbs, can have the same PSI, depending on surface area.

How much weight can a 2 pound magnet lift?

The lifting capacity of a magnet depends on its strength and the material it is attracting. Generally, a 2-pound magnet can lift objects weighing up to 2 pounds, but this may vary depending on the surface area and magnetic strength of the magnet.

At sea level square inch of surface area is under almost how many pounds of pressure?

At sea level, one square inch of surface area is under approximately 14.7 pounds of pressure due to the weight of the atmosphere above it.

Who has more need for drink in a dry desert climate a child or an adult?

A child. The rate at which a creature dissipates heat (cools down) is directly proportional to it surface area. Larger surface area=more rapid cool down.

What can you compare 1700 psi to?

1700 pounds on a surface area of 1 square inch of surface area. (imagine Volkswagen Beetle sitting on 1 Sq inch of area for every inch under this pressure)

How much does a column of your atmosphere weigh?

If you're weighing it at sea level, then it weighs roughly 14.6 pounds for every square inch of area that the bottom of the column rests on.

If the tires of a car are inflated to 35 pounds per square inch and the car weighs 2500 pounds how much surface area is in contact with the ground?

The surface area in contact with the ground can be calculated using the formula: surface area = weight / tire pressure. Plugging the values in (2500 pounds / 35 psi) gives a surface area of approximately 71.43 square inches in contact with the ground.

What is the force of pushing on a surface divided by the area of that surface?

This is usually expressed as weight or force per square area. In imperial measure (USA) pounds per square inch In Metric KG/meter2

What is the force acting on a unit area of a surface?

The force acting on a unit area of a surface is known as pressure. Pressure is calculated by dividing the force perpendicular to the surface by the area over which the force is distributed. It is typically measured in units such as Pascals (Pa) or pounds per square inch (psi).

How do you calculate psi to move a given weight?

To calculate the psi needed to lift a weight, you would need to know the weight being lifted and the surface area over which the weight is distributed. You can then use the formula: psi = (weight / surface area). Make sure that the units of weight and surface area are consistent, such as pounds for weight and square inches for surface area.

How do you calculate the surface area of a rectangle?

learn it by your self or ask your teacher if you are a child internet is no use people.