you can have combonations like; sousous- pataburee. << im not sure on my spelling :D pleaee <<?
lots of different ones. not only English terms, but french aswell. a ballet teacher will usually use only the french terms.
The American Ballet Theatre has an online ballet dictionary, which has listings and definitions for 170 ballet terms. The website includes pictures, and lumps definitions into similar groups.
I am guessing France since all the ballet terms are french.
balloThe word ballet comes from the French and was borrowed into English around 1630.
It originated in Italy, but in the 17th and 18th centuries the dominant centre of ballet was the French Royal Court, which is why most ballet terms are French.
lots of different ones. not only English terms, but french aswell. a ballet teacher will usually use only the french terms.
Ballet terms are in French.
Nothing, the ballet terms are french.
Ballet started in France, which is why all ballet terms are in French.
The American Ballet Theatre has an online ballet dictionary, which has listings and definitions for 170 ballet terms. The website includes pictures, and lumps definitions into similar groups.
I am guessing France since all the ballet terms are french.
balloThe word ballet comes from the French and was borrowed into English around 1630.
These are ballet terms. Because ballet became formalized in France, a significant part of ballet terminology is in the French language.
It originated in Italy, but in the 17th and 18th centuries the dominant centre of ballet was the French Royal Court, which is why most ballet terms are French.
The brunt of ballet terminology is French. When using Russian technique there are also additional terms in that language.
Leo Kersley has written: 'A dictionary of ballet terms' -- subject(s): Ballet, Dance, Dictionaries