A dozen of anything is 12 (twelve). It doesn't matter if you are counting feathers or stamps.
The English word dozen comes from the old form of the French word douzaine, meaning "a group of twelve". Because of that there are exactly 12 stamps in a dozen, regardless of their denomination.
Hmmmm. This is a trick question, huh. The two US coins that total fifty-five cents are a fifty-cent piece and a five-cent piece. The fifty-cent piece is the one that is not a nickel.
A fifty cent piece and a nickel equals 55 cents. If it's a riddle stating, "I have two coins that equals 55 cents, and one is not a nickel", the answer is still a fifty cent coin and a nickel. One is not a nickel, but the other one is.
The Australian author of young adult fantasy, Garth Nix (born July 19, 1963) has about two dozen books either published or in preparation for release as of 2009.
No one really knows. Classic circus routines regularly employed the "clown car" routine, where clowns were able to enter the vehicle from the rear as others exited, making an improbably long string of two dozen or more.
If it takes a fortnight to walk a week you are taking two steps forward and one step backward. which is like 6 0f one and half dozen of the other. Therefore you should not count your chickens before they hatch and quit shouting "sour grapes!"
12. A dozen equals 12!
12 because dozen means 12
Yes, there are two cent stamps. They have been available almost since the first stamps were issued. For many decades the postage rate in the US was two cents. Today they are mostly used to add to other stamps to make up a new rate.
A dozen is 12, so twelve stamps!
2 and a half.
Both are in the U.S. You need first class U.S. postage.How many stamps is that? One 42-cent stamp. Forty-two one-cent stamps. Four ten-cent stamps and one two-cent stamp. One 25-cent stamp and one 17-cent stamp.
You need 3 stamps, two 44 cent ones, and a 10 cent one to make up the 98 cent requirement.
Lucky you.
In the US you can buy two 10- cent stamps, four 5-cent stamps. five 4-cent stamps, ten 2-cent stamps or twenty 1-cent stamps for 20 cents at most post office windows.