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The existence of true randomness is a topic of debate among scientists and philosophers. Some argue that true randomness does exist in quantum mechanics, where certain events are believed to be truly random. Others believe that randomness is simply a result of our limited understanding and that there may be underlying patterns or causes that we are not yet aware of. Ultimately, the question of whether true randomness exists is still open to interpretation.

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Q: Is it possible for true randomness to exist?
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Does true randomness exist in the universe?

The existence of true randomness in the universe is a topic of debate among scientists. Some believe that certain quantum phenomena exhibit true randomness, while others argue that there may be underlying patterns or causes that we have yet to understand.

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The concept of true randomness is debated among scientists and philosophers. Some argue that true randomness exists in quantum mechanics, where events are unpredictable. Others believe that randomness is a result of our limited understanding and that everything follows a set of rules.

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this is a really random answer,I know,but it is true...PISS ON THEM!

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There is no patron saint of randomness.

Is randomness an actual word?

Yes, randomness is a real word.

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Computer-based random number generators are usually not truly random. Many of these generators choose a result starting with the milliseconds clock on the machine the application is used on. This can be used for video games, virtual dice rolling, and other situations where true randomness is not terribly important. Both false randomness and true randomness rely on algorithms to produce numbers that tell the system what result it should display.

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it is true time does not exist . I love you.

What is the measure of disorder and randomness?

Entropy is the measure of system randomness.

Entropy is the measure of disorder or unusable energy in a system true or false?

True. Entropy is a measure of the level of disorder or randomness in a system. It reflects the amount of energy that is not available to do work.

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The use of Lavarand enhances the security of cryptographic systems by providing a source of true randomness that is difficult for attackers to predict or manipulate. This randomness is crucial for generating secure encryption keys and ensuring the strength of cryptographic algorithms.

What is translational entropy?

Translational entropy refers to the randomness of motion of particles in a system. It is a measure of the distribution of kinetic energy among the particles and reflects the degree of disorder in the system. Increased translational entropy leads to greater molecular randomness and higher thermodynamic entropy.

Can you define randomness?

Definitions of randomness on the Web: * (thermodynamics) a thermodynamic quantity representing the amount of energy in a system that is no longer available for doing mechanical work ... * the quality of lacking any predictable order or * Randomness is a lack of order, purpose, cause, or predictability. A random process is a repeating process whose outcomes follow no describable deterministic pattern, but follow a probability * The property of all possible outcomes being equally likely; A type of circumstance or event that is described by a probability distribution; A * The property of being random. Computer-generated, pseudorandom numbers are sometimes used to model the behavior of certain meteorological * basically randomness is the inability to pay attention. * spontantious is another good word to use for the word randomness because lets face it, randomness makes someone seem stupid when you say it out loud >.