The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that all matter was made up of varying amounts of four elements - Earth, Air, Fire and Water... these were seen as essential... the quintessence, the fifth essential was also in all things, btu in particular was in the heavenly bodies. Quin~ is the prefix for 5.
Aristotle believed in a fifth element called "aether" or quintessence, which he believed composed celestial bodies. He proposed that matter was made up of four elements: earth, water, air, and fire. These elements combined in different proportions to form all substances in the physical world.
Pythias, the daughter of Aristotle& Pythias .
Demetrius, Hermiala, and Vermus were Aristotle's siblings.
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Aristotle's father was Nicomachus, who served as the court physician to King Amyntas of Macedon.
365 BC
ancient Greece
His occupation was a philosopher and educator.
Sea urchin
Alexander the Great
aristotles matrix