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It appears from the question that the balls stick together after the collision.

Linear momentum is conserved. The linear momentum is the total of the product of mass and velocity for each of the balls.

The linear momentum before is (1.4 x 3) + (0 x 2) = 4.2 kgms-1.

The linear momentum after is v x (3 + 2) = 4.2kgms-1, since we know it is conserved.

Hence, v = 4.2 / 5 = 0.84ms-1, in the same direction of travel as the 3kg ball was originally moving.

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 3mo ago

The momentum before the collision is 3 kg * 1.4 m/s = 4.2 kgยทm/s. After the collision, the total mass is 3 kg + 2 kg = 5 kg. Using the principle of conservation of momentum, the velocity of the combined balls will be 0.84 m/s (4.2 kgยทm/s / 5 kg).

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Q: A 3 kg ball moving to the right at 1.4 m-s collides inelastically with a 2 kg ball at rest What will the velocity of the combined balls be after the collision?
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Two balls of masses 500gram and 200 gram are moving at valocities 4m s and 8m s respectively on collision they stick together find the velocity af the system after collision?

To find the velocity of the system after the collision, we can use the principle of conservation of momentum. The total momentum before the collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision. Total momentum before collision = (mass1 * velocity1) + (mass2 * velocity2) Total momentum after collision = (mass_system * velocity_final) Using these equations, you can calculate the final velocity of the system after the collision.

What type of collision occurs when objects stick together?

A perfectly inelastic collision occurs when objects stick together after colliding, resulting in their combined mass moving together at the same velocity. This type of collision involves the maximum loss of kinetic energy.

What is the size and direction of the final velocity of the tow cars if a 0.4 kg toy train car moving forward t 3 ms collides with and sticks to 0.8 kg toy car that is traveling in the opposite way?

The final velocity of the two cars will be in the direction of the heavier car. To find the final velocity, you need to apply the principle of conservation of momentum. The total momentum before the collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision, considering the system as isolated. With this, you can calculate the final velocity of the combined mass after the collision.

If the mass at the top of the plane is initially at a height of above the horizontal plane what is the velocity of m after the collision?

The velocity of mass m after the collision will depend on the conservation of momentum. If the system is isolated and no external forces act on it, the momentum before the collision will equal the momentum after the collision. So, you will need to calculate the initial momentum of the system and then use it to find the final velocity of m.

How does the speed of the combined cars compare to the speed of the car before the collision when a parked car is hit by a moving car and the two cars stick together?

When a parked car is hit by a moving car and the two cars stick together, the combined speed after the collision will be less than the speed of the moving car before the collision. This is because some of the kinetic energy is lost as the two cars stick together due to the collision impact.

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Two balls of masses 500gram and 200 gram are moving at valocities 4m s and 8m s respectively on collision they stick together find the velocity af the system after collision?

To find the velocity of the system after the collision, we can use the principle of conservation of momentum. The total momentum before the collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision. Total momentum before collision = (mass1 * velocity1) + (mass2 * velocity2) Total momentum after collision = (mass_system * velocity_final) Using these equations, you can calculate the final velocity of the system after the collision.

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A perfectly inelastic collision occurs when objects stick together after colliding, resulting in their combined mass moving together at the same velocity. This type of collision involves the maximum loss of kinetic energy.

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This scenario violates the law of conservation of momentum. If the two objects collided perfectly elastically, the first object would transfer its momentum to the second object, causing both objects to move with a final velocity determined by momentum conservation equations.

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