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0.2 HZ

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The velocity of a wave is given by v = λf, where v is the velocity, λ is the wavelength, and f is the frequency. From the given information, we have v = λ / T, where T is the time taken for the wave to pass. Plugging in the values, we get v = 0.4 m / 5 s = 0.08 m/s. Rearranging the equation v = λf gives us f = v / λ = 0.08 m/s / 0.4 m = 0.2 Hz. Therefore, the frequency of the wave is 0.2 Hz.

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Q: It takes 5 seconds for a wave with a wavelength of 0.4 m to travel past you What is the frequency of the wave?
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What is the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave that has a 1 hz frequency?

The distance light takes to travel in a second (just less than 30000000metres).

How do you find wavelength when distance is given?

Wavelength = speed divided by frequency. Speed = distance divided by time. Therefore: Wavelength = distance divided by (frequency x time). You therefore need to know the frequency of the wave and the time it takes to travel in unit time.

What is the term for the time it takes for one complete wavelength to pass a fixed point?

The term for the time it takes for one complete wavelength to pass a fixed point is the period of the wave. It is measured in seconds and is inversely related to the frequency of the wave.

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There isn't enough information in this question. You can calculate the speed of the wave (distance divided by time), which is the frequency times the wavelength. But you still need one of them to find the other.

What is the time it takes to complete one wavelength?

The time it takes to complete one wavelength is determined by the frequency of the wave. It is calculated as the inverse of the frequency, using the formula T = 1/f, where T is the time period and f is the frequency.

The time it takes one wavelength to pass a given point?

The Period

What is the period of a wave with a frequency of 20 Hz and a wavelength of 2.0 m?

The period of a wave is the time it takes for one complete cycle to pass a point. It is the reciprocal of the frequency. Therefore, a wave with a frequency of 20 Hz would have a period of 0.05 seconds (1/20 = 0.05). The wavelength of 2.0 m is unrelated to the period in this case.

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How do you calculate the speed of a wave?

you find out a waves speed by taking the wavelength and divide it by it's wave period or how long it takes for the wave to complete a full wavelength. This is what my textbook said. Speed=Wavelength ×Frequency

A sound wave has a frequency of 3 khz and wavelength 30 cm. how long will it take to travel 1.2 km?

To find the time it takes for the sound wave to travel 1.2 km, first calculate the speed of the wave using the formula speed = frequency x wavelength. Then divide the distance of 1.2 km by the speed of the wave to get the time taken.

How do you calculate the velocity of a wave?

The velocity of a wave can be calculated by multiplying the wavelength of the wave by its frequency. This equation is often denoted as v = λ * f, where v represents velocity, λ is the wavelength, and f is the frequency of the wave. Alternatively, the velocity of a wave can be found by dividing the distance the wave travels by the time it takes to travel that distance.

What is the distance traveled each second by a wave?

"1 Hz" means that 1 complete wave passes the place where you're sitting each second. So regardless of what kind of wave it is or what its speed may be, if its frequency is 1 Hz, then it takes 1 second to travel 1 wavelength.