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An equipotential surface has the same value of potential. Thus, work done would be zero. Work done = Charge X Potential difference

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No work is done when moving a charge on an equipotential surface because the potential remains constant. The work done is zero.

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Q: What is the amount of work done in moving a 100nc charge between two points 5 cm apart on an equipotential surface?
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What is the work done in moving a charge of 10 nC between two points on an equipotent surface?

The work done in moving a charge on an equipotent surface is zero. This is because the potential is constant along equipotential surfaces, so there is no change in potential energy as the charge moves between points on the surface. Therefore, the work done is zero.

What is Work done in moving a unit positive charge through a distance x on an equipotential surface?

No work is done in moving a unit positive charge through a distance x on an equipotential surface. This is because an equipotential surface has a constant electric potential, and work done is equal to the charge multiplied by the change in potential. Since the potential is constant, there is no change in potential and thus no work done.

What does equipotential mean?

Equipotential refers to a surface where all points have the same electrical potential. In physics, this means that the work done in moving a charge from one point to another along that surface is zero. Equipotential surfaces are used to visualize and analyze electric fields.

Why aconductor is an equipotential surface?

A conductor is an equipotential surface because the electric field inside a conductor is zero in electrostatic equilibrium. This means that all points on the conductor have the same electric potential, making it an equipotential surface. Any excess charge on the conductor redistributes itself to ensure this equal potential.

Is the inside of a conductor equipotential?

In electrostatic equilibrium, the inside of a conductor is equipotential. This means that the electric potential is constant at all points within the material of the conductor. Any excess charge on the surface of the conductor would redistribute itself to ensure that the entire interior remains at the same potential.

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What is the work done in moving a charge of 10 nC between two points on an equipotent surface?

The work done in moving a charge on an equipotent surface is zero. This is because the potential is constant along equipotential surfaces, so there is no change in potential energy as the charge moves between points on the surface. Therefore, the work done is zero.

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What is the shape of equipotential surface due to a point charge?

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What is Work done in moving a unit positive charge through a distance x on an equipotential surface?

No work is done in moving a unit positive charge through a distance x on an equipotential surface. This is because an equipotential surface has a constant electric potential, and work done is equal to the charge multiplied by the change in potential. Since the potential is constant, there is no change in potential and thus no work done.

What does equipotential mean?

Equipotential refers to a surface where all points have the same electrical potential. In physics, this means that the work done in moving a charge from one point to another along that surface is zero. Equipotential surfaces are used to visualize and analyze electric fields.

Why aconductor is an equipotential surface?

A conductor is an equipotential surface because the electric field inside a conductor is zero in electrostatic equilibrium. This means that all points on the conductor have the same electric potential, making it an equipotential surface. Any excess charge on the conductor redistributes itself to ensure this equal potential.

Is the inside of a conductor equipotential?

In electrostatic equilibrium, the inside of a conductor is equipotential. This means that the electric potential is constant at all points within the material of the conductor. Any excess charge on the surface of the conductor would redistribute itself to ensure that the entire interior remains at the same potential.

What is Equipotential lines in electric field?

Equipotential lines in an electric field are imaginary lines that connect points having the same electric potential. Along these lines, no work is required to move a charge between the points, as the electric potential is the same. Equipotential lines are always perpendicular to electric field lines.

How do the electric force between two objects depends on the amount of charge?

The electric force between two objects is directly proportional to the amount of charge on each object. As the amount of charge increases, the electric force between the objects also increases. Conversely, if the amount of charge decreases, the electric force between the objects will decrease.

Earth's surface has an excess amount of negative charge?

Earth's surface actually has an overall neutral charge, with positive and negative charges balancing each other out. Lightning, for example, results from the buildup of charge imbalances in the atmosphere, not on the Earth's surface.

Why does the amount of static charge continue to increase on a glass surface as you rub?

Glass is an insulator and will not allow excess charge to leave, as insulators prevent electrons from flowing freely from atom to atom.