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Wavelength = (speed) / (frequency) = (27/215) mile = 0.1256 mile (rounded)

-- 663.06 ft (rounded)

-- 202.1 meters (rounded)

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1mo ago

The wavelength can be calculated using the formula: wavelength = speed / frequency. Substitute the values: wavelength = 27 miles per second / 215 Hz = 0.125 miles or 660 feet.

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Q: What is the wavelength of waves having a frequency of 215 hertz and a speed of 27 miles per second?
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The wavelength of blue light with a frequency of 6.82x1014 Hertz is approximately 440 nanometers. This is calculated using the formula: wavelength = speed of light / frequency.

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The metric units for wavelength are meters (m) and for frequency are Hertz (Hz).

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Just divide the speed of light (in meters/second) by the frequency (in hertz) - that will give you the wavelength (in meters). You can then convert that to nm.

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Wavelength = speed/frequency = 30/10 = 3 meters

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The word "wavelength" refers to the frequency of a wave. Wavelength is measured in hertz; the number of vibrations per second.

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The wavelength of a wave with a frequency of 1 hertz is 1 meter. Wavelength is the distance between two consecutive peaks or troughs of a wave, and it is inversely proportional to the frequency of the wave.

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331/20 = 16.55 meters.And by the way ... The hertz is not 20. The 'frequency' is 20 hertz.

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"Frequency" is described with the unit "Hertz". 1 Hertz = 1 per second. Wavelength can be described with any unit of length. "Meter" is the most common choice.

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The term is frequency. It is measured in hertz (Hz), where one hertz equals one cycle per second.

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If you multiply the wavelength (in meters) and the frequency (in Hertz), you will get the speed of the wave (in meters per second).

How can you find the wave speed from the wavelength and frequency?

Im fairly sure that its frequency multiplied by wavelength. Frequency is essentially waves per second, since hertz is cycles per second, so its distance (metres) times frequency (cycles per second), which gives speed (metres per second).

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