In SI, and in general usage, "kilo" means thousand, but in computer science, this is often rounded to 1024. This is because 1024 is a power of 2, and powers of 2 are very important in computer science. Similary, "Mega" may mean 1024 squared, etc.
Note: storage capacities are often indicated in the binary units (e.g., 1024 for "kilo"), but for data transfer, the decimal (or standard) definition is used. For example, a transfer rate of 1 Mbps (megabits per second) is an exact million.
wrong 4 equals a good time
For some strange reason, 2320 hours equals exactly 2320 hours!
Yes, 1+1=2. The reason for it is complex.
It's not necessary to hunt for a reason, because it doesn't.
because the light moths go on the tree and get dark. thats why
Sounds like a Computer Science test your Homework..
Topic Sentence * 1st Supporting detail/reason/fact * Explain * Explain * 2nd Supporting detail/reason/fact * Explain * Explain * 3rd Supporting detail/reason/fact * Explain * Explain Conclusion
Idiosyncrasy is caused without any reason ,the reason does not exist for the cause of reactionDrug allergy is caused due to that specific drug when used
Enlightenment Thinkers used the power of reason to explain how society works.
no explain the reason for the Texas love of the treaty oak
(2)10 = 1,024 For convenience, that quantity is referred to as "1 k", although the label understates the quantity by 2.34%. (rounded)
Enlightenment Thinkers used the power of reason to explain how society works.
Enlightenment Thinkers used the power of reason to explain how society works.
Enlightenment Thinkers used the power of reason to explain how society works.
Reason why computer Engineering student fail?
Give reason for answer
There could be many reason for example an ip-ban for your country or your computer cant handle the game.There are a lot more but i dont have time to explain them all :)