No, numbers cannot be both.
Numbers that cannot be expressed as ratios of integers. For example, pi is irrational, while .6838 = 6838/10000 is not.
Fractions help with numbers that are not whole numbers.
No. All fractions are not whole numbers, but all whole numbers are [improper] fractions (with a denominator of 1).
All fractions are rational numbers.
Fractions are not integers. They may or may not be rational numbers.
All numbers can be changed from fractions to decimals.
Irrational numbers can't be expressed as fractions.
Irrational numbers can not be expressed as fractions whereas rational numbers can be expressed as fractions
Rational numbers can be expressed as fractions whereas irrational numbers can't be expressed as fractions
Rational numbers can be expressed as fractions whereas irrational numbers can not be expressed as fractions
Rational numbers can be expressed as fractions whereas irrational numbers can not be expressed as fractions.