First, look at the first number to the right of the decimal. It's a 4. Then look at the number directly to the right of that. It's also a 4. This number is less than 5, so the number directly to the right of the decimal does not change, and the remainder of the numbers following the decimal point are dropped, resulting in an answer of 275.4 .
5.62 is less than 56.2. When comparing two numbers, the placement of the decimal point is crucial. In this case, the decimal point in 5.62 is one place to the right of the decimal point in 56.2, making 56.2 ten times greater than 5.62.
all of them
To convert any decimal to a percentage, multiply it by 100.
All of them. We normally count in decimal numbers and therefore all digits in decimal numbers must be less than ten.
In the context of decimal numbers, 8.54 is less than 8.55. This is because numbers to the right of the decimal point are in the tenths place, so 8.54 is 1/100 less than 8.55. In other words, 8.55 is one hundredth greater than 8.54.
There are infinitely many decimal numbers which are less than 1.4.For a start, 1, 0, -1, -2 ... are all decimal numbers which are less than 1.4 1.39, 1.399, 1.3999, 1.39999. ... are all smaller and you can have infinitely many 9s in that sequence of numbers.
First, look at the first number to the right of the decimal. It's a 4. Then look at the number directly to the right of that. It's also a 4. This number is less than 5, so the number directly to the right of the decimal does not change, and the remainder of the numbers following the decimal point are dropped, resulting in an answer of 275.4 .
5.62 is less than 56.2. When comparing two numbers, the placement of the decimal point is crucial. In this case, the decimal point in 5.62 is one place to the right of the decimal point in 56.2, making 56.2 ten times greater than 5.62.
Less than positive decimals, yes.
5.9 is less than 59. When comparing two numbers, the placement of the decimal point is crucial. In this case, 5.9 is less than 59 because the decimal point in 5.9 is one place to the right of the decimal point in 59, making it a smaller value.
all of them
Any decimal numbers with two decimal places from 0.02 to 0.49 inclusive.
To convert decimal to percent, move the decimal two places to the right and add the percent sign. If there are not two numbers to the right of the decimal, add zero's. For example: 0.4=40%, 0.41=41% 0.413=41.3% and 1.413=141.3%. For percentages less than 10% and decimals less than 0.1, drop the leading zero's in the answer. For example: 0.02= 2% 0.025=2.5%
No. If you don't consider the numbers after the decimal point then you can see 7 is not less than 5