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Yes, they are.

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Q: Are six twenty-fourths equal to one quarter?
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How many six make one quarter?

One twentyfourths.

Is six twenty fourths equal to one quarter?


How many quarter notes equals six eighth notes?

three because two eighth notes equal one quarter note

What is the combined length of six quarter notes?

Six quarter notes is equal to a dotted whole note, that is, six beats. In British English, this is commonly referred to as a dotted semibreve.

How do you write six and a quarter million?

Expressed in figures, this is equal to 6,250,000.

What is one-quarter of twenty-eight?


What is one qauter of six?

Not so sure about one qauter, but one quarter of six is 1.5

How much money is 0.06?

six pennies, a nickel and a penny, six cents, one one-hundredth of a dollar, one tenth of a penny, one quarter of a quarter.

What does two-fourths plus two-eigths equal?

two fourths equals one half two eighths equals one quarter one half plus one quarter is three quarters. Or, two fourths equals four eighths four eighths plus two eighths equals six eighths six eighths equals three quarters.

How many quarter are there in six and one fourth cups?


What is one fourth of twenty six?

A quarter of 26 = 6.5

What is six and one eighth subtracted by two and a quarter?
