Obviously. Any physical measurements can have decimals.
There is no such number because decimals are infinitely dense. That is, between any two decimals, there are infinitely many decimals.
Any negative decimal comes before zero in decimals.
Decimals were probably invented when we didn't have any way of showing parts of numbers.
Yes there are... newspapers have been published as normal.
Any whole number, any number with a finite number of decimals, and some numbers with an infinite number of decimals, are rational.
In a non-zero fraction is written in its simplest form, then if the denominator has any prime factor other than 2 or 5 it will not go into any numerator evenly. This leads to repeating decimals.
An infinite number of decimals are between any two numbers that aren't the same.
ANY number with a finite number of decimals (and some that have an infinite number of decimals) are rational.
Any whole number without any decimals or fractions.
By the time you advance to the point of dividing decimals, you don't use remainders any more.
Adding and subtracting decimals is easy. When you put the numbers one above the other, line up the decimals vertically and treat as you would any whole number just keep the decimals in line and bring it straight down to your answer.