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Darrell Zboncak

Lvl 10
4y ago
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15y ago

It seems as if it would be easier to divide 28 by 76, right? Well, 280000/760000 just happens to be the same thing as 28/76, because the 0's cancel out. So, since we're in fractions now, 28/76 ALSO just happens to be the same thing as 7/19. Hooray! We've simplified our fraction! Now for some long division. 19)7. (visualize a line above the seven) Now, since 19 DOESN'T GOinto seven, we place a zero above the 7, and a decimal point to the right of the zero. Now we bring down an invisible zero from next to the seven, after our decimal point. So now we're putting 19 into 70, which goes three times, with a remainder of13. We place the three next to the decimal point above the seven, so now we look something like this: 0.3 19/7.0 -67 13 Now let's bring down another zero, and place it next to the thirteen. 0.3 19/7.0 -67 130 Now we see how many times 19 goes into 130, which is 6, at the number (6x19) 124. Then we take 114 away from 130, So we look like this: 0.36 19/7.0 -67 130 -114 Our remainder is 16, so we bring another 0 down, and divide 160 by 19, which is 7, at 133. Now we take 133 from 160, leaving us with 27. Now we look like this: 0.367 19/7.0 -67 130 -114 160 -133 27 Now you can round to the nearest hundredth, leaving our answer at 0.37.

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