Try dividing 5 by 975. If you get a whole number, it means it is divisible.In general, for one number (not zero) to be divisible by another number, the first number has to be at least as large as the second one. For example, the following are the multiples of 20 (numbers divisible by 20):
0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, ...
Notice that, apart from zero, all the other multiples are at least as large as 20.
3, 5, yes 2, 9, 10, no.
No, it is not.
130, 260,390,520,650,780,910.1040. So the largest three digit number with factors of '5' & '13' is 910.
975 is an odd number, as it ends with a 5.
Well, let's take a moment to appreciate the number 975. If we look closely, we can see that it can be divided by 5, as 5 goes into 975 evenly. However, it cannot be divided by 2, 3, 9, or 10 without having a remainder. Remember, every number is special in its own way!
Yes, 975 / 3 = 325
Multiples of 975, like 975, 1950, 2925 and so on.
3, 5, yes 2, 9, 10, no.
No, it is not.
975, 1950, 2925, 3900, 4875, 5850, 6825 . . .
130, 260,390,520,650,780,910.1040. So the largest three digit number with factors of '5' & '13' is 910.
975 = 3 * 5 * 5 * 13 = 3 * 52 * 13
975 is an odd number, as it ends with a 5.
5 & 3 will divide into 975 exactly.