

Can two rays be parallel

Updated: 12/21/2022
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14y ago

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This depends on how you define ray. If two rays means two distinct lines radiating from a single point, then they can't be parallel in Euclidean geometry.

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Q: Can two rays be parallel
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Describe how it is possible for two rays to be parallel to each other?

Two rays could come from adjacent sources. If they are both in the same direction, they would be parallel to each other. Or one ray could be bonced off two mirrors like a letter Z to create two parallel rays.

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How can two rays be parallel to each other?

If the slope of the lines are the same, it show that the lines are parallel.

Is it possible for two rays to be parallel to each other?

yes it is

How is it possible for two rays to be parallel to each other?

it isnt

Is it possible for two rays run parallel to each other?

No it's not

Can an angle be made from two rays?

Yes, but only if they are coplanar and not parallel.

Two collinear rays that do not intersect?

Two collinear rays that do not intersect are called parallel rays. This will only occur for a short time, however, because they will intersect at some point.

What is formed by two rays called?

Skew lines, parallel lines or an angle.

What two segments or rays in the Same plane are parallel?

Two lines of a plane are said to be parallel if they do not intersect and the perpendicular distance betweem them is always same.

Why can rays be perpendicular but not parallel?

Rays pass through one point. Parallel lines never meet.

Can parallel rays of light meet?

If passed through a convex lense, then yes the parallel rays will meet.