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If you are referring to oral sex, I do not discuss my personal sex life online, Many people enjoy various styles of sexual activity including oral sex.

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Because one's upside-down and the other one is the right way round, like in a 69

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I'm restoring my 69 Firebird and I've done lots of google searches on things like " 69 firebird restoration" "69 firebird rebuild" , etc. Search for a specific part like "69 Firebird front grill"...there are lots of sources for parts that will show up, like e-bay,, Classic Industries, Tamraz's Parts. Check for a classic car club in your area. Here are a couple of URLs for rebuilds:

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The question makes no sense: 3169 is not a multiple of 69.

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Because of the shape of the digits - one of them looks like the other, upside down.

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69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69


69 - T19, D6

Why do people like the number 69?

the number 69 has sexual reference to it. 69 is generally a numeric description of a sexual activity where both partners are performing oral sex on each other.

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Just a number. 69 69 what? YEA EXACTLY. LIKE WHAT?? TEKASHI 69?!?!? 69 APPLE BONGS???? In conclusion, that’s an example of (well I forget the wording that u used) but that’s my answer to your question. 👺

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