* * * * *
No! A rectangle rotates into itself at kπ radians where k is an integer - ie half a turn and its multiples.
Yes. A square needs only a quarter rotation.
9 by 4
20 × 16
90 degrees
No. A rectangle rotates into itself at kπ radians where k is an integer - ie half a turn and its multiples.
It does not - so the question is misguided.
yes * * * * * No! A rectangle rotates into itself at kπ radians where k is an integer - ie half a turn and its multiples.
Yes. A square needs only a quarter rotation.
A figure has rotational symmetry when it can rotate onto itself in less than a full rotation.
Mars takes longer to rotate around the sun than Earth. Since it takes Mars almost twice as long as earth to make a rotation around the sun, you are half your age. Less rotations, less years
11'-0" x 16'-0"
9 by 4
Yes, a rectangle has no acute angle (i.e. no angle less than 90 degrees).
20 × 16