Multiply the price by 1 plus the decimal equivalent of the tax.
If the tax is 8%, multiply the price by 1.08
There is no where that dont add tax they add tax on everything
First you, (add to answer) Then you (add to answer) Finally (add to answer)
186.61 tax 5.75 how much tax. -----------------------------------
First you have to know the tax rate.
That depends on the tax rate. Usually you would add the tax to the nominal amount (to the 49.99 in this case). Calculate the tax by multiplying the tax rate (divided by 100) by the purchase amount. Then add this to the purchase amount.
You add the tax to 49.99. You have to know the percentage charged as tax. For example, if the tax is 5%, you calculate 5/100 x 49.99, and add it to 49.99. (You can also get this result faster, if you know a little about percentages: calculate 49.99 x 1.05 - assuming a 5% tax; multiply by 1.07 for a 7% tax, etc.).
Multiply the pre-tax price by 1.065
No, act is not a synonym for tax. Add may be a better word.
When you add another W-2 to your tax return, it may cause your tax return to drop because the additional income from the second job could push you into a higher tax bracket, resulting in a higher tax liability.
If the tax is 10 percent and the price of the item is $1.00 then you simply calculate 10% of 1.0. = 10 cents and add it to the original price.You would charge the person $1.10 (including tax).The simple way to calculate the final price mathematically is to express the percent as a decimal and add 1 to it. Then multiply the price by this number.I.e If the tax is 5.6% you would express this a 0.056 + 1 = 1.056 and multiple the pre tax price by this number.
Multiply by your states percentage and add on.