1.00 - We know that any whole number as a fraction is the decimal value over one. Therefore 1.00 as a fraction is 1/1. If the fraction were 5.0, it would be 5/1.
Convert the fraction to a decimal and then multiply by 100.
1.07 to a fraction = 107/1001.07 = 1.07 * 100/100 = 107/100 in fraction
To convert 1.57 to a fraction, put 57 over 100 after the 1. 1.57 as a fraction is 1 57/100. It is in simplest form.
0.81 = 81/100 in fraction
0.127= 127/100 in fraction
It is it 329/100.
555.56 into a fraction = 13889/25555.56 * 100/100 = 55556/100 or 13889/25 in fraction in lowest term
65% to a fraction = 65/100
23% = 23/100 in fraction
57% = 57/100 in fraction
65% into fraction = 65/100
As an improper fraction it is 100/3