You can't convert cubic inches to horsepower. more cubic inches usually mean more horsepower but it horsepower is determined by more than displacement (i.e turbo chargers and engine internals).
You can find horsepower per cubic inch by dividing horsepower by cubic inch, but there is no way to use just cubic inches to determine horsepower
Horsepower is a measure of power. Typically it is used to rate motors and engine power capability. Cubic inches is a measure of volume. From the context, this most likely refers to engine displacement (sum of all cylinder displacements).
There are other factors than just displacement that determine a particular engine's horsepower capability, however.
Horsepower does not convert to cc: ci or cubic inches does. Horsepower is a measurement of work, cc and ci are measurements of volume
You cannot convert cubic inches to inches. Cubic inches are units of volume and inches are units of length.
To convert cubic inches to gallons, divide cubic inches by 231:Cubic inches / 231 = US gallons
If you mean convert it to cubic inches - multiply it by 1728 (the number of cubic inches in a cubic foot) to get 61022.59 in3
You can convert between feet and inches, or between cubic feet and cubic inches. You can not convert between cubic feet and inches.
Cubic inches x 0.0000164 = cubic meters
multiply the cubic inches by 3.
61.0237441 cubic inches ==
Do you want to convert it to cubic inches? If so, 1 cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches. 10.13 cubic feet = 1728 x 10.13 = 17504.64 cubic inches.
You can convert from feet to inches, or from cubic feet to cubic inches, but you can't convert from cubic feet to inches.
To convert the volume of a cylinder from square inches to liters, you first need to calculate the volume in cubic inches using the formula V = Οr^2h. Then, convert cubic inches to cubic centimeters by multiplying by 16.387. Finally, convert cubic centimeters to liters by dividing by 1000.
There are 63,360 inches to one mile (5280 feet x 12 inches), so one cubic mile = 63,3603 cubic inches = 254,358,061,056,000 cubic inches. To convert cubic inches to cubic miles, simply divide the number if cubic inches by 254,358,061,056,000 and the quotient will be the number of cubic miles.