.015 as a fraction is 15/1000. In simplified form it is 3/200.
Simply add a percent symbol, 0.15%.
Negative. Negative. Negative. Negative.
A negative plus a negative equals a negative.
1.5% written as a fraction in simplest form is 3/200
I write 6 015 103 as 6 015 103.
Since 015 = 15, 015 of 1% = 15 of 1% = 15% or 0.15
015% = 15% is equal to 0.15
It is 150 ml.
since 1000 mm =1 m, then .015 mm = .015/1000 = .000015 m
.015 as a fraction is 15/1000. In simplified form it is 3/200.
point 150 = 150/1000 = 3/20 point 015 = 15/1000 = 3/200