3n means the three times tables and you can also say 3 position but 3n is the short way of saying the 3 times tables
When I taught pupils their tables (meaning their multiplication tables) it was not sufficient to chant them out in the usual way. I would also ask them to say their tables in reverse, so that after saying "and 12 threes are 36" they would next say "11 threes are 33, 10 threes are 30, 9 threes are 27", and so on down to "and 1 three is 3". Say them every day. I used to say mine in bed (before my prayers>) Hope that helps.
The answer to the problem 390 times 20 is 7800. The easiest way to work multiplication problems is to use a simple calculator. Another easy way is to know your mulitplication tables.
Whan I went to school (Decades ago) we had the 12 times tables we went from 1 x1 = 2. 1 x 2 + 2 and all the way through the numbers multiplying each number by 1 and right up to 12 I guess the 22 times tables are like that except they go from 1 up to 22.
sing a song about it like :now here we go 1x1=1 and 2x1=2 and carry on
For the 2, 4, 6, 8 times tables half it to 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 times table. MUCH Easier trust me!
Children have to recite their times tables because saying things out loud tend to help with memorizing the information. The same way that doing things hands on help to learn to do things.
it helps you to learn in a fun way
When looking for a fun activity to enjoy with the whole family, kids pool tables will keep you entertained and having fun all day long. Children-sized pool tables are a good way to help develop your child's hand-eye coordination without them even knowing it. While you teach them the skills that are needed in playing a game of pool, they will learn educational skills such as math and angles all while playing a fun-filled game. Pool is a fantastic way to get your child interested in subjects such as math by counting the balls and seeing which way they need to shoot.
3n means the three times tables and you can also say 3 position but 3n is the short way of saying the 3 times tables
a gallon man is a fun way to learn measurements.
The easiest way to improve maths is to learn your tables, after you have mastered your tables you can start by doing algebra sums and rules and start to memorize them.
Books teach you things! Books are there so we can learn things in a fun way! Books are a good way to spend your time! Books are fun!!!
8, 16, 24, 32
To make kids learn to read in a fun way.