The decimal is important because with out it, 6340 has three significant digits.
Just leave them alone because they are already in 4 significant figures.
4 significant figures. once put in scientific notation you will see 2.057 X 10^-2 You will ignore the last zero since it is to the farthest right past the decimal and not necessary.
Five Additional answer You should put a decimal point in the figures.
6.871 x 10^4
Only one. The zeros are there to put the 5 into its proper position; they are not significant digits.
The number of significant figures in 0.00532 is 5; the 5 to the right of the point. The zeros are significant because they put the figures 532 in their correct positions. The number of sig figs in 4.0009 is 5 because every digit, no matter its position, is ensuring the correct placing of the digits.
Trailing zeros after a decimal point should be significant digits; otherwise, there would be no reason to write them. By this rule, the given number has five significant digits.Additional answerIt is incorrect to put trailing zeros after the decimal digits because they have no meaning. Therefore there are four significant figures both before and after the multiplication by 10. That multiplication merely shifts the decimal point one place to the right without altering the number of significant figures.Please the following except from Wikipedia: Trailing zeros in a number containing a decimal point are significant. For example, 12.2300 has six significant figures: 1, 2, 2, 3, 0 and 0. The number 0.000122300 still has only six significant figures (the zeros before the 1 are not significant). In addition, 120.00 has five significant figures since it has three trailing zeros. This convention clarifies the precision of such numbers; for example, if a measurement precise to four decimal places (0.0001) is given as 12.23 then it might be understood that only two decimal places of precision are available. Stating the result as 12.2300 makes clear that it is precise to four decimal places (in this case, six significant figures).
7.90 The 6 rounds up. Don't forget to put the last zero on.
Well, if one is not dividing the number by anything, than the only way to simplify the number through significant figures would be to put it into scientific notation. * 2.628X103
The number of decimal places or significant figures within the limits of experimental accuracy depends on the precision of the measuring instruments used in the experiment. Typically, the number of decimal places in the result should not exceed the least precise measurement instrument. For significant figures, it is essential to include all certain digits along with one uncertain digit.
1 X 10 to the power of 0 The way that you would write the answer depends on the number of significant figures in your equation and the preference of your professor. 1x10^0 = 1 1.0x10^0 = 1 1e10^0 = 1 1.0e10^0 = Depending on the number of significant figures, you would simply add trailing zeros to the 1. Don't forget to put a period at the end if there is a long string of zeros as this denotes they are significant.
In math class, we learned the angels of a polygon.There are many polygons found on the streets, like stop signs and other figures with four sides.