You WRITE (not right!) it as 730,096
117,000 = one hundred seventeen thousand. To help you learn how to write other numbers like this, just remember that if it's "thousand", that means there will be 3 digits to the right of the comma (unless there's a decimal, see below). If it's one hundred seventeen thousand, four hundred thirty five dollars and fifteen cents it's $117,435.15.
Thirty-four billion, six hundred seventy-one million, one hundred eleven thousand, eight hundred.
5834600. first of all try to separate each group from the others so you have million-thousands-hundred then right the from big to small 5000000 = five million 834000 = eight hundred thirty four thousand 600 = six hundred then try to put them in front of each other 5000000 834000 600 and then add them together 5834600 = five million eight hundred thirty four thousand six hundred
$550,000 I think its right. :)
Two million four hundred thirty thousand and ninety
Eight hundred forty-three billion, two hundred eight million, seven hundred thirty-two thousand, eight hundred thirty-three.
Thirty-four million two hundred nine thousand seven hundred ninety-seven.
You WRITE (not right!) it as 730,096
117,000 = one hundred seventeen thousand. To help you learn how to write other numbers like this, just remember that if it's "thousand", that means there will be 3 digits to the right of the comma (unless there's a decimal, see below). If it's one hundred seventeen thousand, four hundred thirty five dollars and fifteen cents it's $117,435.15.
Thirty-four billion, six hundred seventy-one million, one hundred eleven thousand, eight hundred.
525 thousand dollars is written as $525000.00. On a check, you would also have to have something like "Five Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Dollars and 00 cents".
One thousand, nine hundred ninety-one Dollars.
5834600. first of all try to separate each group from the others so you have million-thousands-hundred then right the from big to small 5000000 = five million 834000 = eight hundred thirty four thousand 600 = six hundred then try to put them in front of each other 5000000 834000 600 and then add them together 5834600 = five million eight hundred thirty four thousand six hundred
Oh, what a lovely number to transform into words! Let's do that together. 843,208,732,833 can be written as "Eight hundred forty-three billion, two hundred eight million, seven hundred thirty-two thousand, eight hundred thirty-three." Just imagine each word as a happy little tree in a beautiful numerical landscape.