It could be: 6*(4+659)
It is prime, it has no factors.
To calculate 234 out of 659 as a percentage, you would divide 234 by 659 and then multiply by 100. This gives you approximately 35.51%. This means that 234 is 35.51% of 659.
Oh, dude, rounding 659 to the nearest ten means finding the closest multiple of ten. So, 659 is closest to 660, which is the nearest ten. Like, it's basic math, man.
Additive opposite = -659 Multiplicative opposite = 1/659 = 0.001517 (approx)
Infinitely many Numbers. EDIT: Every number below 659 will be smaller than 659.
No. The quotient of 659 and 9 is not a whole number.
Simply to look at the number and ask "what is the nearest 1000", or, "what is the nearest whole number? etc" Or follow the rules: Basically divide by (say,) 1000) add 1 if the decimal part is 0,5 or greater, and discard the decimal bit ("rounding"), and multiply back by the original divisor. So for example 658879 -> 658.879 -> 659 -> 659000 has been "rounded to the nearest 1000". Quite often people want to round to the nearest whole number, which simply means ignore the decimal bit if less than 0.5 , or add 1 unit if greater than 0.5 the throw away the decimal bits, for example 34.6 -> 35 . That's actually the same route as the first example, but of course multiplying by 1 first etc is a waste of time.
Yes. It has no factors.
It could be: 6*(4+659)