Yes. 7+5, 6+6 4+8, 3+9
There are 9 numbers. Assuming the question refers to a 3x3 "magic" square, the answer is no. The sum of all nine numbers is 36 so each of the 3 rows must sum to 12.
its impossible
√144 = √122 = 12
box 1. 8 1 6 3 5 7 4 9 2 sum: 15 box 2. 1 15 14 4 12 6 7 9 8 10 11 5 13 3 2 16 magic sum: 34 box 3. 3 17 16 6 14 8 9 11 10 12 13 7 15 5 4 18 magic sum: 42
To solve the magic star puzzle, you need to place the numbers 1-12 in the circles on the star in a way that each line of three numbers adds up to the same sum. This sum is typically 26 in most magic star puzzles. By arranging the numbers strategically, you can ensure that every line on the star adds up to the magic sum.
Yes. 7+5, 6+6 4+8, 3+9
Yes. One solution is: -4 16 -12 -8 0 8 12 -16 4
There are 9 numbers. Assuming the question refers to a 3x3 "magic" square, the answer is no. The sum of all nine numbers is 36 so each of the 3 rows must sum to 12.
what is the magic square of 29
its impossible
√144 = √122 = 12
If: 12-7n2 = 0 Then: n = square root of 12/7
150 = 12 + 62 + 72 + 82
the sum of something is the answer of two number. 12 canot have a sum because it does not have a nouther number to add it with but if you want to find numbers that if you add them together they will turn out 12 here they are1. 6+6=122. 3+9=123. 4+8=124. 12-4+5-1=12
The four possible answers are +/- 18 or +/- 22.