To write 4.2 in word form, you would say "four point two." This represents the decimal number 4.2 in words, with "four" representing the whole number part and "two" representing the decimal part. It is important to note that the word "point" is used to separate the whole number and decimal parts in word form representation of decimal numbers.
42 = forty-two
How to write 64.218 in word form
42 = (4 x 10) + (2 x 1)
42 x 63
0.4 + 0.02
42% is already in its simplest form;there is no other way to write this number as a percent.However, it can be written as a fraction in its simplest form.In that case, 42% = 42/100 = 21/50
0.042 and 0.028