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Any whole number, n, can be written as the fraction n/1.Multiplication of a fraction, p/q by a whole number n is the same as multiplying p/q by n/1.
Furthermore, the process of multiplying proper fractions and improper fractions is the same and that gives the equality of the two processes.

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Every whole number can be written as a proper fraction by putting it over 1. Then carry out the multiplication.

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Q: How is the product of a proper fraction and a whole number similar to the product of 2 proper fractions?
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How is the product of a proper fraction and a whole number similar and different from the product of two proper fractions?

If you express the whole number w, as w/1, then there is no difference whatsoever.

How is the product of a proper fraction and a whole number similar to and different from the product of two proper fractions?

They are the same. If you write the whole number p in the form of the fraction, p/1, you would see absolutely no difference.

How is a mixed number and an improper fraction similar?

Mixed fractions can be converted into improper fractions then changed back to a mixed number.

How is dividing fractions similar to multiplying fractions?

It is similar because when you divide fractions you are technically multiplying the second number's reciprocal. (Turning the fraction the other way around)

What is simple fraction?

A simple fraction is a fraction that is a whole number divided by a whole number. Complex fractions can have fractions inside of fractions.

When you multiply a whole number by a fraction is the product always less than the original whole number?

A number multiplied by 1 is equal to the original number. So: For fractions where the numerator (top) is LESS than the deonominator (bottom), the product will be LESS than the original number, because the fraction has a value of LESS than 1. For fractions where the numerator is MORE than the denominator, the product will be MORE than the original number because the fraction has a value of MORE than 1. For fractions where the numerator and denominator are the same, the product will be the same as the original number because the fraction has a value equal to 1.

What is the definition of cross product?

taking two fractions. and cross multiply. all fraction has a numerator (top number) and a denominator (bottom number). multiply the numerator to the other fraction's denominator and the denominator to the other fraction's numerator to get the product.

How can you add similar and dissimilar fractions?

Adding similar fractions is easy, but adding dissimilar ones requires an additional step. Before you begin, you must know a few important key terms. First, the number on the top of a fraction is called the numerator, while the number on the bottom of a fraction is called the denominator. Similar fractions have the same denominator, also called a common denominator. To add dissimilar fractions (fractions with different denominators), you must first convert the fractions so that the denominators are the same.

How is dividing fractions similar to multipying fractions?

Dividing anything by a fraction is equivalent to multiplying the same number by the reciprocal of the fraction. Thus, x / (p/q) = x * (q/p) where x is any number, and p and q are non-zero integers.

How do you multiply fractions with whole numbers and mixed numbers?

The question is ambiguous. Do you want to know how to multiply a fraction by a whole number, as well as by a mixed number? Or are you asking how to multiply a whole number by a mixed number and express the product as a fraction? Or what?

How do you multiply a mixed fraction by a whole number?

You would turn the mixed number into a fraction by multiplying the whole number(the one in the mixed fraction) by the denominator and then you add the numerator to the product. You would then put that number you get and out it over the denominator. For the other whole number, you would put it over one and multiply the two fractions!

Change the mixed numbers to improper fractions 535?

You multiply the whole number and the denominator. Then then you add the numerator to the product. Numerator: top of fraction Denominator: bottom of fraction Product: is when you multiply, for example 4 x 4 = 16 so 16 is the product.