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Q: How many 500 g bags are needed to fill a 12 kg bag?
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How many 500 g bags are needed to fill a12kg bag?


How many bags do shops give out in a year?

500 billion

How many bags of coal in a 500 lbs?

Depends on the size of the bag. 1 if it weighs 500 pounds.

A 25000 square meter factory floor is to dusted you do one pound per 500 fthow many 10 pound bags of powder is to be applied?

To calculate how many 10-pound bags of powder are needed, first convert the 25,000 square meters to square feet (1 square meter is approximately 10.76 square feet). Then, determine the total amount of powder needed by dividing the square footage by 500 (amount of powder per 500 sq ft). Finally, divide the total amount of powder by 10 (amount per bag) to find the number of 10-pound bags required.

How many bricks can fill the rail cars in the holocaust?

About 500.

If a bucket holds 512 liters and a jug holds 500 milliliters how many full jugs of water will be needed to fill the bucket?

its simply 512/ 0.5 which equals 1024

How many paintballs are in 1 full bag?

If your box has 4 bags, 500 each.

How many clear track bags are in one roll?

The number of clear track bags on a roll can vary but generally there are 500 bags on a roll. You can also find them with 250 or even 2000 on a roll as well.

How many 50kg bags in 40'hc container?

if it is rice, pulses, it will be 450-500 .. same as 20'

How many 50 kg bag of rice make 500 ton?

This is sort of a math equation. But 500,000 kg divided by 50 kg bags equal 10,000 bags of 50 kg bags of rice.

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