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Q: How many millitres bottles do you need to fill up a 2.5 litre container?
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How many ml bottles do you need to fill up a 2.5 litre container?

You would need 5 bottles of 500 ml each to fill a 2.5-liter container.

How do you fill a 6 liter container unmarked from a 5 liter and 9 liter container?

Fill the 5 litre container and empty it into the 9 litre one. Fill the 5 litre (again) and empty 4 litres into the 9 litre container. Now - empty the remaining litre into the 6 litre container. Finally re-fill the 5 litre container and empty into the 6 litre one - and you're done.

Three containers have capacities of three five and nine liters How can these containers be used to measure exactly seven liters of water?

Several ways to achieve this - here is one solution. Fill the 5 litre container and pour it all into the 9 litre container. Fill the 5 litre container and pour it into the 9 litre container until the latter is full - leaving 1 litre in the 5 litre container. Empty the 9 litre container. Fill the 3 litre container and empty into 9 litre container. Repeat. There are now 6 litres in the 9 litre container. Pour the 1 litre from the 5 litre container into the 9 litre container which now contains 7 litres.

How do you get six from seven and five. Cave puzzle solution?

First fill 5 litre and pour it into 7 Litre. Then again fill 5 litre and pour to 7 litre. Now 3 litres are left in 5 litre container. Empty 7 litre and pour 3 litre in it. Again fill 5 litre and pour in 7 litre. Now 7 litre is full and 1 liter left in 5 liter container. Empty 7 litre and pour 1 litre which is left in 5 litre container. Now 1 litre is already in 7 litre container, now fill 5 litre and pour into 7 litre container. now it is 6 litre in 7 litre container. DONE!

How many quarter liter cans of liquid will fill a two and a quarter liter container?

9 quatre litre's will fill a 2 and a quatre litre can

How many 200ml bottles fill a 1 liter jug?

1000 millilitres = 1 litre so there are 1000/200 = 5 bottles.1000 millilitres = 1 litre so there are 1000/200 = 5 bottles.1000 millilitres = 1 litre so there are 1000/200 = 5 bottles.1000 millilitres = 1 litre so there are 1000/200 = 5 bottles.

How many 750 ml bottles does it take to fill a gallon?

Six 750 ml bottles will fill a gallon container.

How many 750 ml buckets are needed to fill a 6 litre container?

There are 1000 ml in a liter, so multiply 6 by 1000 and then divide it by your bucket size.

Is bottles a noun?

Yes, the word 'bottles' is both a noun (bottle, bottles) and a verb (bottle, bottles, bottling, bottled).The noun 'bottles' is the plural form of the singular noun 'bottle', a word for a type of container; a word for a thing.The verb 'bottles' is the third person, singular, present of the verb to bottle; meaning to fill such a container with liquid.

How do you measure a liter of milk?

use 2 litre jug and fill half

How do you fill 5 liters into 5 liters?

Take the 5 litres or liquid solid or gas and put it into the 5 litre container.

Can you get exactly 1 liter if you have an 8 liter jug and a 15 liter jug a tap and no other container?

Yes... First fill the 8 litre jug completely from the tap and then pour the contents into the 15 litre jug. Next fill the 8 litre jug completely from the tap and pour the contents into the 15 litre jug until it is full and you will be left with exactly 1 litre of water in the 8 litre jug.