One, after which the box is no longer empty!
You can fit just as many aunts in a phone box as you could uncles.
got heaps of room
One 4'3' box will fit in a 48'3 box due to spatial restrictions in one dimension (3-foot).
One, after which the box is no longer empty!
justas many apples that fit in a box.
the record is 500
The number of apples in a crate can vary depending on the size of the crate and the size of the apples. A typical commercial apple crate may contain around 42-48 pounds of apples, which equates to approximately 100-120 apples, assuming an average apple weight of 7-8 ounces. However, it's important to note that these numbers are estimates and can vary based on the specific circumstances.
It depends on on how deep the crate is, and how big the apples are.
You can fit just as many aunts in a phone box as you could uncles.
Depends on the size of the box.
1. after that it is no longer empty 2. it depends on the size of the Easter basket
It depends how big the box is. And how small the cows are.
The number of apples in a cubic meter would vary based on the size of the apples and how tightly they are packed. Estimating based on average-sized apples (8-10cm in diameter), you could fit around 500-700 apples in a cubic meter.