That depends where in the world you are. -You didn't tell us that.
There are 720 hours in June, 744 in July and 744 in August, giving a total of 2208 hours.
There are 8760 hours in a standard year and 8784 in a leap year. At any time is dark somewhere on Earth, so you could say there are 8760 hours of darkness in a year and 8784 of darkness in a leap year. Another way of looking at it is where you are on the planet. At different times of year there are different amounts of darkness and daylight and then there is twilight. You could say it is dark anywhere for about half the year, so that would be 4380 hours in a normal year and 4392 hours in a leap year.
in the area where trees are not there
8 days 13 hours I'm sure this answer will be different by the time one reads it. Especially since we are each in different time zones. This is figured on July 4 during the 11th hour of the day in the central time zone.
figure it out your self you dumb kid!
12 hours of daylight. 12 hours of darkness.
Depends on what time of year it is
12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of darkness
2. Adams and Jefferson within hours of each other.
On average, there are 12 hours of darkness in a 24-hour day. This is because the Earth rotates on its axis, causing half of the planet to be in darkness while the other half is in daylight. The length of darkness can vary depending on the time of year and the location on Earth.
At the equator (0 degrees latitude), there are approximately 12 hours of daylight year-round, as the equator receives 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness each day due to the Earth's tilt and rotation.
The sun sets at the South Pole about March 21 and does not rise again until about September 21. This means that on 21 June, there is no sunrise -- or 24 hours of darkness on that date.
24 hours
It depends on where you are Not Really, If you live on the Equator, Every 24 hour period has 12 hours of daylight, and twelve hours of darkness. For every one else, there are only two 24 hour periods during the year When daylight hours equal night hours. These two days are the Vernal and Autumnal Equinox. (Equinox means equal). If you account for the differences in the number of daylight and dark hours in a 24 hour period, over an entire year, the average is 4380 hours each for daylight and darkness.
It has 24 hours.