It depends on the quality.
Mb 1024 *8 = 8 gb
There is no standard conversion between minutes and megabytes. For a fairly high-quality MP3 file, you can estimate about one minute per megabyte. For low, but still acceptable, quality, you can get more. For instance, the German courses from Deutsche Welle have about 4-5 minutes for each megabyte. For even a low-quality movie you can expect several megabytes for every minute.
its equal to 25000 mb
How many minutes of WHAT, exactly? A minute of sound, stored as MP3, uses up about 1 MB - but the amount of space per minute can vary widely, depending on the quality of the recording. A single minute of video, in high quality, will take up several MB - but once again, exactly how much will depend on the quality of the recording.
There is no sensible answer to the question. A megabyte is a measure of computer memory whereas 120 minutes is a measure of time. According to basic dimensional analysis conversion from one to the other is not valid. For example, consider 120 minutes of high quality video and 120 minutes of low quality audio: there will be a huge difference in the memory requirements of the two.
1000 MB is equal to 1 GB.
That really depends a lot on the video's size and quality. Take a sample of a video in the desired quality, and look how many MB it takes, and for how many minutes it plays. From there, you can extrapolate. (1 GB = 1024 MB)
963.756 megabytes.
1024 kb is equal to 1 mb... 1024 mb is equal to 1 gb, and so on
how many minutes to make 1mb
12,288 MB
1 gigabytes (GB) is equal to 1024 megabytes (MB). So, 8192 megabytes (MB) is equal to 8 gigabytes (GB).
Its approximately equal to 75.12MB
1 MB
0.9765625 MB = 1000KB.